Conferences should be a place of meeting, collaboration and support.
To generate and encourage to improve possibilities
There are many of us and we have many styles, but we are moved by the same thing: being together and growing.


I loved the conference, I would have come yes or yes. For me it is the opportunity to interact and meet people passionate about the world of prints. I think that for me it would be relevant to have more shared experiences of people who are important to personal treatment and have managed to launch a profitable business drawing prints. The conferences are unique in Spain and I don’t know of another event like it in the sector. Thanks for organizing it!

It has become an annual meeting
essential to build community,
share and learn. And above all! you breathe
enthusiasm and camaraderie. Helps open the
mind towards new projects with experiences
from other great professionals.

I can only thank you for having met Lola and having gone to conferences. It’s not that I learned by going, but that I never stop learning from all the people I have met there, because then it continues! Starting with Lola, in addition to being great professionals, they are great professionals.
Great people, great welcomes, who embrace you with a generosity that is no longer found. It is the most valuable thing I have taken with me from all these years.
Long live Textile Design Conferences.

I have been attending since the first edition and I really enjoy it. I am not dedicated to textiles but being able to listen, learn and meet so many people in the artistic sector is a super enriching experience. It is always a shot of energy to continue learning and improving.
Being able to lean on the group on a personal and professional level is something incredible.