The tree of life and Indian prints.

Learn to create Free Flowing.

In this course you will learn the importance of patterns created with Free flowing composition. It is a composition arising from a curve which gives air and space. Thanks to this, we create prints for clothes or for the household where repetition is less obvious and more beautiful.

I’m going to show you indian motifs but later you can do them as you like. At the end of the course you’ll know two things:

1.The importance of a free flowing composition.

2.The history of indian textiles.

It is important to know the under-lying base in what we do. Not only will it give structure to our work and help us belong to something bigger than us, but it will be a continuous source of information. In that way, we become “unblocked” in times of doubt.

Online Course

  • 11 lessons – 9 modules – About 2 hours of videos. English subtitles
The tree of life and Indian prints course
The tree of life and Indian prints course. Lola San Román

What will you learn here?

  • The history of prints. How India changed everything.

  • Learn how to create compositions with movement in mind.

  • Learn free flowing composition.

  • You will have an A2 template to guide you.

What do they say?

Carmen Azpirua

It is a wonder.

Indigo Blue


Thank you very much for another course with essence and charm.

I am drawn to the Indianas and your authentic style captivates me, inspires me and creates the need to pick up the brushes.

Delighted and motivated, I have enjoyed it infinitely.



More questions

You need to know a basic understanding of how patterns are created.

Brushes and gouaches. Watercolor paper or whatever technique you want to use. Always the simplest. Don´t let the artistic material stop you.

No, please. This project means the world to me and your collaboration is key. I woul hate to see many downloads and to have to shut down your account.

All the time of the world. You will have your own password. With time you will learn different aspects. See different things.