Flowers in textiles.

Flowers are the motifs that best work for prints: either for home or fashion, and actually in any market, flowers are always a win.
You won´t find a culture where flowers are not represented. They give us the sense of being alive.
All this makes the flowers motifs the most appreciated at the printing market.
Remember: a textiles designer helps the garment designer to make clothes that flow and move.

This is a super easy and simple course where you will learn tha basic concepts of ho to create with flwers. What is it the the best floral suppliers want and what are they looking for.

This is the 4th Lola course that I´m taking. There are the little details that change everything. I have never thought that just changing a motif into two colors will change the whole so much. And I tell you the truth: I like doing my colections at the same time that I study with Lola: So I´m always improving. Thank you so much!


Carmen AzpiruaCarmen Aizpurúa

Flowerfriday 25 % DTo

Código flores

On line course 99,50€

  • 4 hour videos • 21 modules • English subtitled

What errors we usually make?

-To paint creating groupes instead of thinkig in uniting the whole.
-To paint the flowers too stiif, they should have movement.
-To not place the motifs with a purpose.
-Too much detail does not make the image better!
-Lack of depth: we tend to paint with dull colors.
-Pinting with too many colors, in fabric less is more.
-Not taking into account the empty spaces.

vestido estampado diseño Lola San Román
estampado diseño Lola San Román

What will you learn here?

To upgrade our flowers and to be sure that they wiil work out in our fabrics ,
with all the rewuirments that a garment designer seeks when buying a fabric, these flowers have to respond to these characterictics: Either for home decor or fashion.

1. How to always have your sketch book.
2. Studies
3. The key value of knowing the perspectives. Be aware of some flowers.
4. Perspectives, leaves.
5. Perspectives, stems.
6. Movement.
7. Short interview to E. Gancedo: Examples of movement on fabrics.
9. Complex flowers: when NOT to add them.
10. Too much detail is not good for the design.
11. Warm and cold colors.
12. Short interview to: Casilda Cavero: Examples of textiles.
13. Let´s review some suppliers textiles. What suppliers work with florals?
14. Let´s paint.
15. Tosses composition.
16. Photoshop 1,2,3.
17. Photoshop 4,5,6. Tips to show our portfolio in the best way. Files
18. Conclussion.
19: Short interview to Chío León: About textiles love.

More questions

You will need a Photoshop basics.

Brushes, watercolors or gouaches. Watercolorpaper and no more!

No please.This has been a very important project to me and I need you to collaborate and not share it.

All the time of the  world: and also, if you do it again after some time I am sure you will learn new things!